
Thursday, April 25, 2019

AJ Plants Compared To Real Life Plants!

Heyyy guys! Man, it feels like this whole week just flew by! We've been getting ready all week for our vacation that we're going on this weekend. I'll be back home late Sunday night, so Housemom418 is going to be covering my post for me that day. (Thank you Hoooouse!) So I'll be back posting on Thursday. Even though we're only going on vacation for the weekend, we're packing in as much as we can! Tomorrow night we're going to a concert that's about an hour away from our hotel (it's gonna be a long day XDD), Saturday we're going to be going to my grandpa's 90th birthday part, and that night we might go to the beach, then later go to my aunts house, and Sunday morning we're going to be going to a church that our friend's brother is the worship leader at. So we're going to be doing a whole lot! I literally started packing for the weekend almost 2 whole weeks ago... I love packing for some weird reason. I overpack so much though. XDD I'm always prepared for anything! Therefore I pack weird stuff like rubber bands, duct tape, pens, pencils... (om I just remembered I need to pack paper *runs*) Because you just never know. (:

Moving on...

I wasn't quite sure what to post about today, so me and my friend Gizmo634 were talking about what I should post about. She had the idea that I should compare AJ plants to plants in real life! So that's what I'm going to be doing today! It's crazy how Animal Jam has almost identically copied the plants that are in real life! Let's get started!

*Just a disclaimer, all of the real life pictures are NOT my own. I got them off of Google, so some of them are originally from Pinterest, Home Depot, the almanac, etc..


Starting with the petunia flower bed that's for sale in treetop gardens (all of the plants in this post are currently for sale there)!

These two aren't exact in color, but they did a great job in getting the shape of the flowers almost exact! All of them have a yellow center, as they do in real life, and have greenery surrounding the petunias.

Next we have the passion flower! I've actually never heard of this kind of flower, but they're actually really beautiful.

God is for sure the best artist, and I love all of the detail in this flower. Animal Jam did a great job in capturing the little details this flower has! They even got the leaves surrounding it almost the same, except the Animal Jam version is a little more yellow than it is in real life.

Now we have the mass cane plant!

Wow. Wow. Wow. This is literally like a carbon copy of the real thing! Between the leaves, the trunk of the tree, everything is literally identical! AJ was pretty impressive on this one!

Here's the next one, the Boston fern!

This one isn't exactly the same, but the leaves are pretty similar! The Animal Jam version is a lot more fuller, but there are some Boston ferns in real life that look a lot more fuller than the one above.

The sweet pea plant! My grandma always used the name "sweet pea" for different electronic things for some reason. XD

This one is almost identical too! I have to say, I am really impressed and surprised that something in the virtual world could look so much like something in real life. Those Animal Jam coders and designers don't get enough credit for what they do!

Finally, the crocus flower! Another flower I had never heard of. XD

This one is pretty similar, but not exact. The AJ version is more opened up than the real life version. Maybe the flowers in the picture hadn't fully bloomed yet, but they are super pretty!


I hope you enjoyed this post! Which AJ plant looked the life like to you? I think the mass cane plant looked the most realistic to me!


Here's todays Bible verse!

1 John 4:10

This is real love - not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

P.S. Don't forget you have until May 1st to enter my rare pink long giveaway! Click here to enter!

See you on Thursday!


  1. Nice post! I agree with you about the cane plant looking the most realistic.

  2. This was actually such a good post idea. I love the nature in AJ, they make it seem so precise.

  3. My mom has always called me sweetpea lol :)

  4. I think my favorite is the passion flower. I also think it has an interesting name, passion flower. It must be a little passionate flower. XD


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