
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

My Art Showcase

 "Okay, umm, this is odd!"

"Yep, this just got weirder!"

"Houze? Why are watching worms?"

 "Yeah, she's gone done lost it."

"Houze, you feelin' okay?"


You all may know that my sister is an excellent digital artist, at least I think she is. Well, for my birthday I got a Wacom Intuos Drawing Tablet! That being said, I've been learning the digital art techniques. I wanted to show you all my improvement over the last almost 2 months. (Since, I got it before my birthday on March 1st). Now, I am better in an actual art program, then AJ's Art Studio. I feel that Animal Jam's Art Studio is very limiting, but that's just my opinion. Shall we get into my art showcase?

I did this the first day, yeah it's pretty umm, well, off? Yeah, it was hard using the drawing tablet for the first time, as you had to pay attention to screen, but you were drawing. It was kind of a learning curve, but I learned pretty fast. The first 10 drawing I did, I labeled "Mom," but I am now labeling them, by the name "Date, Houze."


 My first ever pixel painting! This was very interesting. It's supposed to be a snail, beside a mushroom. I think it looks more like an alien type creature. What do you think it is?

I did this one for a collaboration that a friend, who likes to be unamed hosted. I enjoyed doing this one, and loved how it turned out.

This one, I did for Gizmo, who loves foxes. It's a bit flat, but they start to get better from here.

 I also did this one for a friend. This one was painted on 3/16/19, because I actually labeled this one. XDDD

This is the only one that I have finished on an actual painting program. I completed this one March 31st. I have a done 3 more, but they are unfinished. 

A cute little Blob Fish, who I named Bob. However, I've been waiting 5 days for it to be approved and it's still not approved, not sure if it's not going to be, or what is going on. I've never waited that long.

This one is for an art challenge that Gizmo is hosting, you have a few more days if you would like to enter


That's all for today. I am actually really impressed with the way I've improved. I didn't see much improvement, until I got all of them together! This is awesome! If any of you have any tips for doing digital art, please tell me. I would love to know!

Today's Encouraging Quote:

Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will. – A.W. Tozer

Today's Bible Verse:

 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. - Psalms 134:2 (KJV) 

Remember, the best friend you have is, Jesus Christ.


  1. Replies
    1. LOL YES!!! Let's make the Blob Fish president of Animal Jam!

  2. Honestly these were pretty good!
    YES YOU DREW A BLOBFISH. Is so proud:DD It seems like you draw a lot. What program do you use besides AJ?

    1. Aww thank you, Violet! Yes, I TRY to practice every, or every other day.However, it doesn't always happen that way. XD
      Besides AJ, I've used 3...well 4 other programs, 2 I use regularly, the other 2 I've used like once or twice. I use...

      Autodesk Sketchbook (Free on Windows computers, not sure about Mac)
      Corel Painter Essentials 6 (Paid, but it came as a free download with my drawing tablet).
      Those are my favorite, and use them all of time. Now onto the ones I've used once or twice.
      Windows Paint (Free, comes on a Windows computer).
      And an actual art website, of which I cannot remember what it was called at the moment, that's why I said, "3...Well 4." XD

  3. Your art is great! I love the Masterpiece of the leaf you drew, but my favorite is probably the blob fish. XD

  4. XD Thank you. I like the blob fish too. It got approved, if you would like a copy, I would love to give you a copy! Just send me a buddy request, housemom322.

  5. I like your art! My favorites are the leaf one and the bird one you did on your art program.

    1. Aww thank you, Binx!! Yeah, I'll have to say my work is definantly better in the art programs, but whatever. :P


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