
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

AJFC's 4th Birthday Extravaganza - Let The Celebration Begin!

HELLOOOOOOOO everyone! I want to start off by saying that I am SO sorry that I never posted on Thursday or Sunday. Not sure why I never got the initiative to post, buuut... I'm here now! XD How is your week going so far? I've been pretty busy yesterday and today! I don't think I have much to do tomorrow though. I think we have to go to the post office, but the rest of the day I'll probably just be reading... And doing school... XD

Anywhooo, today I have some exciting stuff to tell you!


Pretty sure it was last year- that I totally forgot about AJFC's birthday. By the time I remembered, it was too late to do anything. But, I'm making up for that by having...

🎉AJFC's 4th Birthday Extravaganza!!🎉

This year we'll be having all sorts of fun things happening! Here's the run down of all that will be happening on AJFC, for about a month or two! Heeeeere we goooo!

1. AJFC's birthday party - May 31st (see below for details!)
2. Celebratory fashion show - May 14th-29th (see below for details!)
3. Giveaway - May 19th-June 2nd
4. Yearly story contest (birthday themed!) - TBA (to be announced)

Technically AJFC's birthday (the day I started AJFC) is June 15th, but why not start the celebration early?! Let's talk about the party details. Please know that is May 31st doesn't work for you, you can tell me that in the comments! If it doesn't work for a lot of people, then I will definitely reschedule this! But as of right now, here's the party info!


Party Info:

Location: Graciepopstar91's den on Animal Jam.

Date: May 31st, 2019 (which is a Friday)

Time: 1 PM PST Pacific standard time such as California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington state 
4 PM EST Eastern standard time such as Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and New York 
2 PM MST Mountain standard time such as Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho
3 PM CST Central standard time such as Texas, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Arkansas Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Kansas
9:00 PM UK time such as London 
10 AM HST Hawaii standard Time such as Honolulu, and Hilo
12 PM Alaskan Time Zone. 

What we will do at the party: Chat, play games, and "eat" desserts!

Reason for celebration: We're celebrating AJFC's 4th birthday!


Again, please comment below if you can or cannot make it!

Now let's talk about the fashion show, which is going to be a celebration/birthday theme!


All you have to do to enter, is log onto Animal Jam and make a birthday outfit any time between now and May 29th,

And comment down below or JAG me that you would like to enter the fashion show, and tell me your username and the name of the animal that you want to enter. If you're a non member, or can't comment, you can totally still enter! Just JAG me, "Meet me in Kani Cove!", and make sure that the animal you want to enter is the animal you're currently using. 

On May 30th, I'll compile screenshots of everyone's animal entries, and post a picture of it on AJFC, and you will have to comment with which animal you want to be out in round 1. Then once one animal is out, I'll post another picture of the remaining contestants, and we'll keep voting someone out until we have one winner left.

The winner of the fashion show will win a rare purple short spiked wristband!

Feel free to tell your friends about this! The more entries the better!


What part of the birthday extravaganza are you most excited about?! Let me know!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Nahum 1:7

The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. I don't think I have anything else planned, So I would love to come!!! I'm excited for the fashion show!

  2. Hello, Gracie! We're coming to the party!! Also, we would love to join the fashion show. :O We have our outfits ready! Thank you so much for doing this party! Let's hope you don't forget like last year! XDDD

  3. I'm gonna try to come, my timezone doesn't say there, so i'll try my best!


  4. Happy birthday AJFC!!
    If I remember I might join the fashion show! I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to the party though:(

  5. Yeah, happy bday Ajfc! And i'm entering.

  6. The date and time should work for me. I'm entering the fashion show with my tiger.


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