
Friday, May 10, 2019

New Change in Writing + An Elephant Masterpiece!

Hello everybody! Welcome back to another blog post. I thought that was a kinda crazy intro there. :-)
So, today I am here to address something that I am quite excited about (and drawing of course!) I am now going to be doing more words than pictures. I know, I will still add pictures, but since this is a blog, Gracie and I both feel like I should do blog posts with more words than pictures, if that makes sense. Also, I did change my profile picture! Do you guys like it? I know I like it for sure. 😊 I better stop talking, and get into the blog post now! LOL
So, Instead of using the animal jam art program... I decided to maybe change it up a bit and use a different program! The program I decided to use today is free and you don't have to download it, and it's called Sketchpad 5.1! If you want to do really realistic art, I'm not sure if I would recommend it, but otherwise I think it's a really great art program! Y'all should try it out, with parents permission of course!
First, I zoom in, in order to get the little details!
Then, I get a reference photo from a non-copyright website!
I'm gonna use this one!
Elephant on Brown Grass Field
 Okay, now I am going to start off with the sky and ground! 
Okay, so I just did a very plain outline of what the grass and sky might look like. Trust me, I'm going to add more detail!
See? I already added more detail! 😊
Okay, time to start sketching the elephant!
I always like to look at the structure of the elephant, and make sure that the reference photo is what I want.
Now, I begin sketching!
Okay! So far, I think this art is going really good so far. I really didn't expect it to be this easy, but it was!!! Obviously, it takes effort and time, and a whole lot of patience! Now it's just time to color it in. Should I do a crazy color, or normal? What do you guys think?
Crazy, or normal?

I pick normal (:
Oh wait! I didn't add trees. I'm going to do that now, and I will show you the final product!!!
This took less time than I thought. I would recommend this program, for sure!!!
Yay! This is the finished product! I don't quite like the ears, however they were really hard to see if I kept them the way they were, so I had to make them a little bit bigger. What do you guys think of the art? Also, does anybody have any tips? I could really use them. I've been trying to improve in my art, but I just can't! 
Well, that's it for today guys. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week! Bye!!!
Here's the Bible Verse!
Galatians 5:1 (KJV)
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.


  1. That is so cute! I can't seem to find the ears, though.

    1. Thank you! Haha, yeah It is sorta hard to see the ears. I see what you are seeing. :-)

  2. Awwww that elephant turned out so cute and good!! I love it:)

  3. 0-: cute bunny pic!!!


  4. Wow, your art is great! That elephant is so cute.

  5. Hello, Housey Mousey!
    I can share a few tips for you. I really like your elephant picture! I think that the ears should be a little bit bigger and you should outline the shape of the head a little bit so the ears and head looks separated. The eyes should be a little bit smaller, too. I also want to encourage you to try to shade the elephant a little bit with a darker gray. When I was your age, my elephant picture would've looked like a gray boulder standing on a plate of yellow cheese. Ha ha! You really did a fantastic job. <3

    Ah, speaking of art reminds me of all of the art commissions I have to do. RIP.


    1. Oh my gosh! You are soooo sweet! Thank you!!! That is going to help me so much. Haha! I'm sure it would've looked better than mine :O Thank you! XDDD, Commissions can be a handful sometimes, huh?

  6. You are so very welcome!

    Yep, I was almost done with a commission for someone and then my little sister comes along and scribbles on it. ;_; Now I have to do it all over again.

    No way it would've looked better than yours! I was soo bad at drawing digitally!! >:O


    1. :) Oh my gosh!!! That's horrible. XDDD Good luck!
      NOOOOOO, I bet you were great! :O


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