
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Top 10 Craziest Things on Animal Jam Play Wild - Tag Edition


Welcome guys, to another post! How are you all doing? This week has been mostly good, Monday was a little rough, but other than that things were pretty good!

Now, I know Animal Jam Play Wild (AJPW) is not as popular as Animal (AJPC), however it is gaining popularity. I've seen people trading PC items for PW items, not exactly sure how safe it is, but it is happening! That being said, I've looked at my inventory and have seen some VERY crazy items. It seems to be a lot of the member prizes that you get every Wednesday for being a member. 😃 Any how, let's get into the post, but first, a quick commercial break...

I said in the title this is a "tag edition" It's true! Basically, if you get tagged you're going to go through your inventory, or the stores for either AJPW or AJPC and do a post about it and your thoughts about each one! I am excited to see what you guys come up with!

Onto the post...

10) Light Bulb Hat 

Maybe it's just me, but when I see this I think of cartoons, which makes me think of my childhood, which...well, let's just say I was a very crazy child! I do like this though. It's just kind of funny that you're wearing a light bulb on your head.

9) Daisy Hat 

This is REALLY big. However it's kind of cute, it makes the poor penguin look weighed down though. I imagine her saying, "HELP, THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT BY 'I WANT TO BE A FLOWER GIRL!'" To which I answer, "Yeah, yeah ya did."

8) Crutches 

Okay, so I don't think pixels can get hurt. Now, I do think they are great for role-playing, but realistically who would actually wear these? I do get that some people may use them though, for what I am not really sure; as for me, I will not be using these. Who knows though, they may become rare. (Probably not; being realistic, though some really weird things become rare).

7) Picnic Basket 

Okay, so this thing was really cute, until I put it on that is. I mean, seriously! Look at it! It looks the poor penguin got it stuck on his back. I now feel bad for my penguin. You would think it would be attached to his flipper, rather than his back. However, I'm to not to judge how Animal Jam picks their styles, or am I? :Raises eyebrows: No, I'm not, okay, moving on!

6) Sparkler Antennae Headband 

This one, is straight up dangerous! I mean I've had sparklers before and a spark, is that what you would call it? Anyway, it fell on my foot! It hurt! VERY much, it actually burned a hole through my flip flop...true story! It's um dangerous! I have multiple colors too. XD

5) Jamaaliday Sleigh Shoes

"Hey, let's just put sleighs on my feet and call it Jamaaliday sleigh shoes!" Yeah, that's probably what Animal Jam was thinking when they created these. Don't get me wrong though they are pretty cool, just a little out there. We all know that Animal Jam can make some pretty crazy things though. I think they get a laugh out of making things like this!

4) Golden Nugget Hat 

"GOLD! I'VE STRUCK IT RICH MY FRIENDS!" There's not really much to say about this item, other than it's well interesting!

3) Sushi Hat 

I imagine this is part of a sushi restaurant uniform, specifically made for the person who stands outside flipping the sign for the restaurant. Those people are great! I love the energy they have. I've seen so many of them in the city I live in, and they are SOOOOO funny sometimes!

2) Tomato Hat

This one is currently in stores, so if you want one go check it out! There are different colors of them, including a purple one! Maybe I am just thinking of cartoons today, but this is another one that I think of cartoons. I imagine someone being on stage singing or dancing, then the crowd begins to throw tomatoes at the person, because they are REALLY bad.

1) Lettuce Hairdo 

This was last week's member gift. It's um well, "lettuce" let it speak for itself. It's great, it's really great. 

I tag...


Here is a preview of the this week's member gift...

Yes, you read that right, Licorice hair. I know what you're thinking, because I thought the same thing! What a sticky situation! I would LOVE to see a bowl of spaghetti hat! AJ are you hearing me? :wink:


That's seems to be 10 crazy items! (Well technically there is 11, if you include the licorice hair, but whatever). I thought about doing a part 2 to this, but on AJPC, so let me know what you think about that idea! Hope you all have a great rest of you day! 

Houze signing out!

Today's Encouraging Quote:

Is prayer your steering wheel, or your spare tire? - Corrie Ten Boom

This is a tough quote, but I thought it was a good one. It made me think. I am finishing up a book (Foxe's Book of Martyrs), then I am moving on to The Hiding Place, written by Corrie Ten Boom. This gave me a little taste of who she was as she probably allowed prayer to be her steering wheel to have had said a quote like this. I want to encourage you to pray, just a little bit more.

Today's Bible Verse: 

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. - Revelation 3:20 (KJV)

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


  1. That moment when you realize theres so many strange items in the game XD

  2. The golden nugget looks like a golden CHICKEN nugget, lol!

    1. That is LITERALLY what my sister thought. When we got it, she came in my room saying, "Look! I got a Chicken Nugget Hat! I about died laughing!

  3. I think sleigh shoes actually exist? idk. Saw then on Google. Lemme check


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