
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Unreleased Item Update - 6/27/19!

Hiiii, everyone! I'm back from my trip, therefore I am currently concert brainwashed and have been spending the majority of my time getting music from my computer to my dad's phone, trying to find concerts nearby, checking new album releases... Which reminds me that I have a iTunes gift card to enter. Heh. Anyways.

How's everyone doing?! Anything exciting happen while I was gone? Ah, I remember the days when if a blogger went on vacation, there was always that fear everyone had that something important would happen, or some imposter would rise up. XDD

Today I wanted to talk about the new update that came out this morning! I'm calling this update the "Unreleased Item Update", and you'll see why in a second.


I seriously almost did a "facepalm" when I read this. I honestly have mixed feelings about Animal Jam releasing some of the unreleased items, especially the healing staffs. I feel like the healing staffs were apart of AJ's lore and history, and added a bit of mystery to the game, since the healing staffs were hung in the Basement of Secrets. I have a feeling though that these healing staffs are going to be worth a whole lot in the future, since they're only available for 4 days, and it is definitely still a somewhat mysterious item.

From left to right is the Basic Healing Staff, Strong Healing Staff, Epic Healing Staff, and Alpha Healing Staff. The Basic Healing Staff is for all jammers, and is the cheapest of the healing staffs, at only 1 diamond. The unreleased (but now actually released, but unreleased- confusingness) Wheels and Capricorn Necklace are now also available in the diamond shop!

I am slightly confused as to what the purpose of the healing staff is. It honestly sounds like some sort of weird worship to other gods, but that's just my opinion. XDD Almost reminds me of singing bowls, which is some form of relaxation that I'm pretty sure comes from pagans. Anywhoooo...
(And also Capricorn is apart of the horoscope. I'll leave you all at that. as I said to my friends earlier, AJ is getting wacky. kind of thinking of deleting all of this weeks wild weekend stuff i just bought this morning..............)
Like whaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Really AJ??????? I'm v creeped out rn since i just looked into this stuff. trying not to rant right now but yet i'm mad at aj v v much

There's a brand new Eggstravaganza pet! From the image, it looks like the new pet is a snake, but we already have pet snakes on Animal Jam, so I'm not quite sure what it is... What are your thoughts?

Battle for the Bacon is back! I'm not the biggest fan of this adventure, but there are some cool items you can buy in it!

It is awesome that these seasonal adventures are for all jammers, and not just for members. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure all the prizes you can buy from it are for all jammers too!

Freedom Day is almost here! Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. It's definitely the most laid back holiday in my family, which is probably why it's one of my favorites. There's not normally any set plan, other than getting outside at some point in the day and lighting sparklers, and watching the fireworks our neighbors set off! It's always so much fun, except this year my niece isn't going to be celebrating it with us. She's spent Fourth of July with us for the past two years, but unfortunately she isn't going to be able to this year. I'm sure we'll still have a lot of fun though! Do you have any plans for the holiday?!

Since Freedom Day is almost here, that means the Freedom Party is also back! Let's take a quick look at it.

I love the fireworks show that Animal Jam has going during the party! It's so pretty to watch, especially when the party ends. It's fun to get a few buddies while everyone else has left the party, and hang out while the fireworks are going on!

To the far left is a little clothing shop with freedom items, and these are the items that are being sold there.

To the far right is a den item shop, and these are the items that are being sold there.

I really love these items, except it's super laggy to buy them, and it's super laggy to put fireworks in your den, soooo...

On the next page of the Jamaa Journal, it says that a stone has been discovered that's carved with glyphs. I wonder if this could possibly mean a new animal is coming out... That would be pretty cool!

The Egyptian items will soon be returning to shops! Egyptian bears will probably be coming back too, which can only mean one thing...


Also on the Jamaa Journal, it says that the Eggstravaganza pets will be leaving soon. Which is kinda strange, since a new pet is going to be in the eggs. I guess that just means the new pet might be rare for a time.

This is a formal announcement, that the wild weekends are going to be returning for the summer! Wild weekends are always a lot of fun, since Animal Jam comes out with new, and sometimes wacky items. Last year Animal Jam released a variety of different spikes.

One of my favorite spikes would probably have to be the donut spike!


What do you think of todays update? Let me know in the comments belooooow!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Hebrews 13:16

And don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. I think it's actually cool they brought back the healing staff. But what are the point of the wheels? Do they move when you walk?

    1. Hey Violet! I decided to reply to your comment because...
      WHY NOT?
      They kinda move but they kinda don't move. LOL


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