
Friday, July 26, 2019

📙 History of the Trading System 📙

Hi Guys! :D
Welcome back to another blog post!
I hope y'all are having a wonderful week!
Currently I am writing this on the Saturday before this blog post gets published, because I will be at youth camp during the 22nd-27th!
So, I hope you guys enjoy this little post. :D
Today, I am going to be telling you the history of the trading system!
We all know, or well- most of us know, that the trading system is a huge part of Animal Jam!
Why? Because people can get their items that they want, by exchanging one of their items, for another item!
But I'm not sure if a lot of people know the history of the trading system! 🤔
Before we start, I'd like to give credit to the Animal Jam Wiki, because that will be my source I am using for today!
So now, enough talking, let's get into the blog post, shall we? 😊
Animal Jam had beta testing anytime around May or July 2010 - September 2010.
Believe it or not, trading did not come out during the beta testing!
The Trading System came out on March 31st, 2011.
So how did people trade items before March 31st, 2011?
Well, they used gifting instead!
So the trading system basically has always been here; but in a different way. 
This may surprise you, but there was actually once a real trading party!
It was called "Trading party" and it was one of the first parties in Animal Jam.
However, once Animal Jam introduced Jammer parties, they took it away.
Here's a picture of the Trading party!
Credit to the Animal Jam Wiki

Now, people refer to the trading party as one of the Jammer parties, which is really cool to me, but I think that it would be awesome to have this party back! It looks so cool!
If they wouldn't bring it back, I think it would be cool for them to 'display' it when animal jam does the beta party!
In March 2015, a huge change for all Jammers happened.
They used to not have a box that would pop up asking if they wanted to trade their items or not.
But in March 2015, they did!
This helped with 'Flash Trading' 
Flash trading is when somebody trades something very quickly, but declines as fast as they could.
Back then when they didn't have that box that popped up, the other person could scam them if they would accept quicker than the other person.
Trading has always caused drama, because people find out ways to scam.
Let's watch this video by Animal Jam to see how to trade!
 Okay, I have to admit, the voice is a little weird but...
So as you could see, there was never a box that asked you if you really want to trade that item or not.
You also had a smaller limit of items to trade!
Don't quote me on this, but I believe that there was only a limit of 4 items that you could try trading to another player.
On September 17th, 2015, they allowed you to trade up to 20 items!
That's a huge difference. :o
Did you know that trading pets wasn't always a thing?
On August 18th, they finally allowed you to trade pets.
Now, let's get onto glitches!
There was once a glitch where if a Jammer decided to trade somebody, and the other person declined after confirming the trade, the person that tried trading them would get the item they wanted anyway!
Luckily, this glitch was fixed.
There is/was a glitch that displayed/displays an incorrect item in the trade window that prevented/prevents someone to be able to trade.
I am not sure if this glitch still happens because it hasn't happened to me lately, but I might be wrong.
According to the Animal Jam Wiki, they said,
"There was an exploitable glitch where a Jammer would have their previous trade attempt sent in the next completed request instead of the item that was requested. This happened when the player received a message stating that the other Jammer "no longer has that item" when attempting to trade that other Jammer; then when the other Jammer sent a trade request to the player and they accepted it, the player's items from their previous trade attempt would be sent to the other Jammer instead of the item that the other Jammer requested. This glitch has since been fixed."
Well, I guess that's it for today guys!
I hope you enjoyed learning about the trading system!
It was really interesting for me to learn and read about this.
Also, credit to Graciepopstar91, she gave me the idea to do this blog post!
When I publish this blog post, I will be coming back the next day!
Bye guys! :D
Here's today's bible verse!
2 Corinthians 10:4
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 


  1. Oh my goodness, I remember the trading party! I didn’t even realize they took it away to be honest... always fun times trading there XD Good old, trading daysXD Also, it’s already been 4 years since they added 20 trading slots? It seems like that was just added like 2 years ago, wow time flies.

  2. I remember the trading party! I would dance on the couch for so long trading people saying "Trade me fairly". I remember it like it was yesterday. :') I also remember only being able to trade 4 things.

    1. LOL, That's cool!
      I never really traded much during that time so I probably didn't go to the party.
      Yeah, I think all of the older players remember only being able to trade 4 items. It was a pain, wasn't it? 😂


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