
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Jamaalidays In July Update - 7/25/19

HELLOOOOOO JAM JAM'S! I'm here! I'm posting! But I am so so so so so tired. We went shopping for all the food we need for camp. Which means we had to buy food for like 50 people. And haul it all. It literally took 6 hours. I am so pooped, therefore I'm gonna try to make this post snappy. XD



The Jamaalidays in July are here at last! This year it's featured as this weeks wild weekend event. This means that the Jamaaliday Party is also back, which I'm pretty sure is making some people quite angry, and you'll find out why in a minute...

Here's the entrance to the party, which is the same as it always is, except I think that snowman in the corner is new.

Here's the den items that are in the shop! They're all the Christmas items that came last year in the Diamond Shop, which is pretty cool. But uhhhh- if you're a trading enthusiast, brace yourself for the next picture.

This is the clothing shop... And people are mad. All colors of the candy cane socks and the scarves are in stores. Yes. All the colors. A L L  O F  T H E M .

(don't hurt me for telling you this. it's not my fault. send all your complaints to the purple question mark. ty have a nice day)

The black socks.

The orange socks.

And I forgot to take a screenshot, but even the tan scarf is back in stores.

Somebody says "oof" somebody says that they're dust item. What does that even mean?

Someone says they hate AJ. (what???)

Meanwhile, Gracie acts overtly happy.

While someone is in distress about how much they traded for the their tan scarf, Gracie screams about the chocolate. Ohhh it's just so typical of her.

Moving on.

Pet goats are back! And AJ isn't KIDDING. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Get it????

Moving on again.

Battle for the Beacon is going to be leaving soon. And honestly... I have not even played it once. I also forgot to play Graham's Workshop. Oopsy daisy. On the other side of the page, it says that for the next two Mondays, there's going to be rare black knight armor in stores. I wonder what that's going to look like! I'm excited to see this new armor set come out.

Just an advert (as us British peeps say because I'm totally British ok I'm just a tiny bit British) for the refer a friend thingy. I've never used the refer a friend system, so I don't know a whole lot about it. I do know that if you refer a lot of people and they become members, you can get armor, or you could get a legendary eagle. I don't think I've ever even seen a legendary eagle around Jamaa which is interesting.

Another advert (hehe I'm too lazy to spell it the American way tonight) for the claw machine and phantom invasion... which is... interesting. The claw machine has been around for so many years, I wonder why they had to advertise (there I did it) it in the Jamaa Journal.


What did you think of today's update? Are you happy or mad about the Jamaalidays in July event? Let me know in the comments beloooow!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Galatians 5:13

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters ... use your freedom to serve one another in love.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

EDIT: It turns out that Animal Jam has deleted the candy cane socks from the Jamaaliday Jam party, which is pretty interesting. I'm glad I got to the Jamaaliday Jam party when I did so I could get some socks!


  1. Ooooh that’s what the wild weekend was, I was thinking, do we not have a wild weekend this week? But that answers my question XD The pet goats are so cute:)

  2. Hi Gracie!
    I just wanted to let you know that they took the socks out of the Jamaaliday Party.
    Apparently it was only there for the first party/parties.


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