
Friday, October 4, 2019

Concert In My Den! (Jk... Just singing songs and hymns...)

Hey Y'all! Welcome back to another bloggie postie today with housey mousey. (:
Okay, I'm going to stop saying ''House''
Anyway, so I know you guys are probably going to get tired of me singing songs and stuff for blog posts, but it is really something I enjoy doing, so I figured, why not post it for y'all who enjoy it? I realize I did not get many views on the post last week, but that's okay. Even if I don't get many views, I just need support, and I need to make sure most importantly my Lord, Jesus Christ, is pleased with what I am posting. So while you guys may be posting about Halloween things, I'm going to be posting about songs most and likely. So I am writing this on a Thursday, (aka 10/3/19) and today Animal Jam updated to Halloween.
That being said, there is probably going to be a lot of people going to your den, so make sure to lock your dens to buddies only guys!
The other day I got this 7 year old coming up to me (no offense by that, I'm just saying she was very very young) on Animal Jam, saying "Trick or Treat!" I'm like... sorry... LOL
So anyway, today I am going to be going to Jamaa, saying I am hosting a concert in my den. When I do this, I will come when I get... probably about 3 or 4 people, (since nobody comes to dens anymore) I am going to be getting on the platform, "singing hymns and songs." I think this will be really fun, because I have done this before, and I have gotten some...
responses, like, "I didn't know this was a church." XDDD
So let's get into this blog post!
So first, I am going to be doing... DUN DUN DUN... 
(drum rolls)
(people clap in the backround)
Creating a den...
I know... I know... XDDDD 
So exciting right? Jk, I do love den decorating, but it is quite boring I'd say to post about in my opinion. LOL
Let's get into this!
*goes to other screen*
*realizes I got logged out*
So, I am going to be den decorating the lucky castle den!
I'll be back once I'm done. :)
Okay, done!
Let's get hosting!

Okay, got some more people, now let's sing!
I about died at this! This person wasn't trying to come off rude or anything, at the end they said, "I'm all about God first." So obviously, they weren't trying to be rude or anything, but it was just a little funny.
Seriously? BTS? Out of everybody! LOL
Some of these reactions are priceless...
I got someone who did three stars. How sweet. :)
I got another three stars! LOL
So, I didn't show you guys all of the reactions, because most of it was positive... but I think I just got a good group of people.
A lot of the times, people will not like it.
So please be careful when doing stuff like this!
If you can not take heat, then uhm...
I'd say don't do it, just because of that reason. LOL
Well, I suppose that's it today guys!
Meme time!
(All credit goes to the owners)
Image result for Meme
Bye guys!
Here's today's bible verse!
Job 1:22 (KJV)
In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
I think this verse is a really good verse, because Job went through so much, he literally lost everything. However, he didn't sin, or complained to God. Amazing.

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