
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Expection Vs. Reality

Hello, guys! Welcome to another post! I am really sorry about last week's post. I honestly have no idea what I was thinking! IT'S HORRIBLE! However, the past is in the past, and I'm moving on. Today's post will be a lot better than the last week's I promise.

Today, I am going to be doing an expectation vs reality in 3 categories: Shopping, Art Studio, and Creating a look. Well, looks like, I have some work to be doing, so let's jump right into it.


Hmm, looks like it's a great day to be going shopping. Let's go see if we can find some good shops.

:Heads to Jamaa Township:

Yesss! I found a cheap shop!

:Goes to den: 



Art Studio:

I am really pumped to get back into drawing again! I haven't done it all summer. Let's head to art studio!

Ahhh, yess! Just the way I remember it.


What even is this!? A two-year-old could do better than this. (This painting was done with my mouse in case your were wondering).

Making a look:


I just bought these really cool wings, and I can't wait to make a look with them!


Ugh, brown! Why would they choose brown, why not orange or red! There are like no good-looking brown items in the game. 

:Walks off, crying in a corner:


Well, that's all for today! I hope you all could relate! I think we all have higher exceptions than reality (some more that others ahem). So, I think this was very relatable. Comment down below, telling me which one you related with the most. :-) I hope you all have a great rest of your week! Keep toiling, because Saturday is coming! (So cheesy, I know).

Today's Encouraging Quote:

You learn more from failure than from success. Don't let it stop you. Failure builds up character.  - Unknown.

Today's Bible Verse:

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: - 1 Peter 3:15 (KJV) 

Remember, the best friend you have is, Jesus Christ.

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