
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Things That You Can Do When Night Of The Phantoms Come!

Hey y'all!
Welcome back to another blog post with Housey da Mousey. (:
Today, I am covering for Gizmo634.
So, some of you guys might know that I do not celebrate halloween. 
Some people might think that I'm weird for not celebrating halloween, but trust me, there are reasons. XDDD
So, not only that I don't celebrate halloween, I don't celebrate the night of the phantoms in animal jam either, because they do it for halloween...
Even though halloween is a little over a month away, some people are already preparing for halloween, and I'm not sure when animal jam is going to change it to be the night of the phantoms, so I decided that I would post about this now. (:
So for everybody who does not celebrate halloween nor the night of the phantoms, you probably try to stay out of Jamaa when it comes.
So here are some fun things to do when the ''holiday'' comes!
Number 1.
Make a normal outfit that you would normally make, or make an outfit that does not have any of the colors black, purple, and orange in it! 
A lot of items have black in it, but since black is a color that a lot of people wear on halloween, try not to wear any of it!
It can be challenging, I know. XDDD
This is just one thing to do when night of the phantoms comes!
Number 2.
Go to random peoples dens, and just start talking about the gospel to them, or sing lyrics of Christian songs to them!
This is something that is always fun each year, to see their reaction to you.
Most and likely they are going to think that you are going to say, "Trick or Treat!"
But let me tell you, It's completely the opposite.
Number 3.
Give out some rares for those who liked the gospel, and didn't lock you out!
There's a reward to listening to the gospel, it might not be earthly, but it will be Spiritually!
So, there's nothing wrong with giving something to somebody who listened to the gospel. :)
Number 4. 
I know Gracie says that she decorates for Christmas on halloween, but you don't have to do that in your home...
You can do it on Animal Jam!
Just start decorating for Christmas, and have fun with it!
I'm sure some people will get a surprise when they see you decorating for Christmas. XDD
Number 5.
You can make masterpieces for people!
Making masterpieces are always a very fun thing to do.
It's because you spent your time and effort to make something for someone that will always remember you making that masterpiece for them. :)
Number 6.
Just say thank you to your friends!
Most people are probably going to go to your den, demanding rares on that night.
However, you can surprise your friends by just going to their den and saying thank you for everything they have done!
Well guys, I guess that is it for today!
Hope you guys enjoyed!
Make sure to test these things out on that night if you don't celebrate it, and tell me how it goes! :)
Here's today's meme!
(All credit goes to the owners of this meme)
I love this meme. It's so adorable, that dog's face though. LOL
And most importantly...
Here's today's bible verse!
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,  Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

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