
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Feral and Jambassador Plushies in the Claw!

Helloooo hello everyone! First of all... I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a long time. Honestly, I just haven't felt like posting. That's all there is to it. XDD I hope you all are having a great week so far! My dad is on a trip this week, so me and my mom have had some girl time! We've been having a lot of fun going shopping and going to some restaurants. Tomorrow we're going to get some ice cream, so yaaaay! XD

Anywho, let's jump right into todays post, as I've been putting off posting for a long time...


If you've been keeping up with some of the Animal Jam blogs that are still up and running, you probably read about the new "teenager version" of Animal Jam called Feral. They recently opened up a new form on the website, that puts you on their email list to potentially get chosen to be apart of the beta testing.

I signed up for the email list, so I'll keep you all posted on the emails I may get! I've been really curious as to what Feral is going to be like, but thanks to a leak on WildWorks Instagram account, we get to see a little sneak preview of what Feral might be like.

IT LOOKS MAGICAL. It looks like a really cool mystical game, similar to Animal Jam, but way more detailed and 3D. It looks like there's going to be portals, and other cool things.

If you want to see some more leaks and sneak peeks, seriously check out the Wild Works Instagram page! I don't think you have to have an Instagram account to view it on your computer. They also leaked on Instagram that ostriches are coming soon in one of their videos. They basically show everything they're not supposed to show on the page... So if you're ever wondering what will soon be coming to Jamaa, look there first. XD


In other news, a few Jambassador plushies that I talked about last month have now arrived to the claw! Pugfluff's adorable plushie is now available in the otter claw, Cupcakeceline's is now in the bunny claw, and Chocolate4froggy's is now in the flamingo claw! My friend told me that Wisteramoon's plushie will also be coming to the claw soon. I think this is really going to decrease the value of all Jambassador plushies, but let's be honest... They're so adorable it doesn't really matter. (:


Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 37:7

Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

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