
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Playing Bitter Sweets!

HELLO, EVERYBODY! I hope you all are having an amazing day, cause I know I am. Today, I am going to be playing Bitter Sweets. I really didn't know what to post today, so this may seem a little boring. I am going to try to make it as fun as possible, but AJ has been getting boring lately. Don't get me wrong, I still love it, but recently there hasn't been much to post about! I think the community as a whole, seems to be lacking a bit too. Anyway, let's get into this adventure!

The basic idea of this adventure is to collect candy, which the phantoms have taken. There are 5 sets of prizes, (you get 5 prizes if you're non-member and 10 prizes if you're member). Okay, it's time to see what I get...

So this is the entrance, I chose to use my purple cardinal, which was a semi-bad idea, since I don't think they have this pet as one of the portal things. Which means I could have got an extra prize. 

This is me grabbing my candy after running into some of the phantoms. You get 3 candies for each phantom.

This is the first non-member prize that I got. I kind of forgot that all of these prizes are Halloween based... OOPS! I mean I could make a sweet shop of of them. I will probably end up recycling the Halloween, Halloween stuff.

This would be a prime example of something that I'll be recycling. :)

Ahhh, how sweet! It looks soo good! I think I should eat it...or not. This is my second non-member pize, after collecting 200 candies. 

Again, recycling this one. :( WHY Animal Jam, but then I kind of asked for it when I chose to play this adventure. XDD ALL my fault. By the way, this is a member prize.

My third non-member prize after collecting 400 candies.

And of course my member prize, which is odd, because I honestly don't remember ever seeing this color before. Maybe, it's exclusive to this game, or maybe I just don't pay attention? Yeah, it's probably the latter.

This is my fourth non-member prize after collecting 700 candies. We are almost there folks.

Umm, this prize is a bit creepy in my opinion. Let's just move on...

Oh my gosh! This brings back so many memories! Roughly 2-3 years ago, I was obsessed with this machine. I ended up having like 5-10 of them in my den! I loved them so much, these and the Candy Making Machine (also in Bitter Sweets) were the best!!! I mean THE BEST!!!

Ooookay, the last and final prize, which up is going to be let me go recycle all of these things and see how many gemmies we get!

I got 466. :) I now have 72,885 gems! YAY!


And just like that we are done! Thank you all for joining me today! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and week! Byeee guys!

Today's Encouraging Quote: 

Worry does not empty tomorrow of it's sorrows; it empties today of it's strength.  - Corrie Ten Boom 

Today's Bible Verse: 

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? - Esther 4:14 (KJV)  

God has placed you exactly in the position He's put you in for this specific time and opportunity, so embrace it!
Remember, the best you have is Jesus Christ.

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