
Friday, November 29, 2019

11/27/19 Update Post!

Hello y'all! Welcome back to another bloooooog post with Housemom418! Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the U.S.A, and I hope that everybody who celebrates it had a good one! I know I did. :) On Wednesday, Animal Jam updated to be the Jamaaliday's. I decided that I would post about the update! So, why not get into the first page, am I right? Let's get started!
So starting off with the first page, the Jamaaliday deer are back! I love these deer so much, because they hold a bunch of memories. One of which, is actually how I met Gizmo! I wish I could show you the pictures that some of us took as a group, as these animals, but I can't seem to find it on my computer. These deer are members only, sadly. However, these deer are only 1,000 gems, so go and buy them today!
These pet camels are adorable!!! They are in the diamond shop, for 3 diamonds. Personally, I think these pets look way better than the camel in Animal Jam that you can play as. LOL That might just be my opinion though. This is a member's only pet.
Woohoo! This den is awesome. I'm so glad that this den has returned! Now we can build gingerbread houses! This den is still members only, and it is in the diamond shop for 5 diamonds! I'm starting to feel the Jamaaliday spirit!
The Jamaaliday Jam part is back! This is always a fun party to be in with your friends. Am I the only one who just stays at a party in Animal Jam until everybody leaves, and then invite friends? Just me? Okay. LOL
We can't forget, the pet reindeer are waiting to be adopted! So rush to the party, and get your pet reindeer today!
This for sure has to be one of my favorite seasonal adventures! There is just something about it, that makes it feel so festive! All of the decorations, and the joy and help that we share while trying to get all of the gifts in this maze, just brings happiness! Jesus is the reason for the season. :)
The first part of this page is saying that 3 or more items will come unto shops each day! I am so excited to be able to decorate my Jamaaliday den with a bunch of the items that come out every year, or maybe some new items! So, make sure to look out for those items so you don't miss them! And the Jamaaliday Alpha Armor has come back to stores! This is found in the Alpha Headquarters, but it costs 108 diamonds in total if you want to buy every set. Best get saving!
The fall Eggstravaganza pets are going to leave soon, so if you didn't get the chance to buy the eggs already, make sure to buy them ASAP! I wonder what new pets will be in the eggs for the Jamaaliday's!
The Gingerbread Armor is here!!! This armor is very festive, and very fun for the season. The Jamaaliday Gift Shop is here in the diamond shop as well! It has a bunch of Jamaaliday items in it, for only 1 diamond each! 
Black Friday is here in Animal Jam, so this is the best time of year to get Animal Jam membership! You get extra diamonds, even though you are paying just as much as you would before. Plus, the Jamaalidays are here, which is always the best time of year in my opinion!
Well, I guess that it's for today y'all!
Thank you for reading. :)
Here's today's meme!
And here's today's bible verse!
Hebrews 1:3-4 (KJV)
Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: 
Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.


  1. Yay for a packed filled update!! I wonder if they will gift the nonmembers a present this year... Perhaps more animal slots or more nm animals!

    1. I've been waiting so long for a quality update! LOL I know! I surely hope they do! The nonmembers deserve something too. :-) More animal slots or more nonmember animals sounds amazing! Let's hope that's what they do! LOL


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