
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

It's Jamaalidays!

Hello, everybody!!! I can't believe you're here!

"We're questioning life's decisions right now."

Why, would you do that?

"Cause, we're here with you."

That's a good thing though, isn't it?


:Wakes up from dream: Oh, good it's just a dream

"It isn't."



It's almost winter, I can't believe it. It's crazy to think it's only 21 more days until Christmas! Christmas is on a Wednesday this year and I'm super excited about it, but that's for a later time. :)

Anyways, this month is know as "Jamaalidays." I thought it would be fun to document all of the rewards we get this month for logging in. That being said, each post I do this month will have a little segment I call, "Jamtastic Gifts." I know, so original right! I'm going to be going over both, AJ Online and AJ Play Wild, since I get on both daily.

Don't worry though, because I'll still be doing regular posts on top of this, (except this post). So, here we gooo...

I had already logged on my main this morning before I knew I was going to post this, so I decided to get on my backup to show y'all  an overview. :P
AJ Play Wild overview.

Sunday, December 1st:

AJ Online Prize:
1 Diamond
Jamaaliday Spiked Mohawk

AJ Play Wild Prize: 
Holly Tail Ornaments 

Monday, December 2nd:

AJ Online Prize:
Jamaaliday Bell Streamer 

AJ Play Wild Prize:
2 Sapphires
Of which I don't have a picture, because um, this was an idea I came up with today and didn't take a picture at the time...SORRY!

Tuesday, December 3rd.

AJ Online Prize:
1 Diamond
Jamaaliday Backpack

AJ Play Wild Prize:
Ornament Shoes

Wednesday, December 4th.

AJ Online Prize:
Masterpiece Token

AJ Play Wild Prize:
Gingerbread Fountain (Which is absolutely huge)!!

I am actually really pleased with these prizes so far. I can't wait to see what else they release for the rest of the month. Let me know what you think about the items so far, in the comments below!


Well looks like that's all for this post. I'll be back next week with a post and more prizes! Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed. BYEEEE GUYS!!

Today's Encouraging Quote:

Those times you feel like quitting can be times of great opportunity, for God uses your troubles to help you grow. - Warren Wiersbe 

Today's Bible Verse: 

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. - James 1:17 (KJV)

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.

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