
Thursday, December 2, 2021

blogmas?!? + how to get into the Christmas spirit!

HEY Y'ALL! this is probably going to come as a shocker to most of you... but I have decided to do blogmas this year! blogmas is simply just blogging every single day leading up until Christmas! obviously, I didn't post yesterday because I just decided to do this today... I have had finals all this week which has been going pretty well! we all know the stress of finals... that's for sure! being that we don't post much anymore, (which I know most of you probably wonder why) is just because we have gotten so busy! we all have gotten older now, and we have a lot more important priorities in mind... however, there has been so many of you that have been faithful viewers for such a long time and I'd like to push out some content for y'all during this holiday seaaason!! <33 

I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving!! I know that some of y'all live in Canada so obviously Thanksgiving is on a different date for y'all than it is here! we had a great Thanksgiving at our house, we had a big yummy meal! it is so important to thank God for all of the things that He has gave us, not only on Thanksgiving, but every single day!

with this blog, a lot of the time we normally just post random things, which I personally love a variety of things to view, and I hope y'all are the same way too! (heyyyy, that rhymed!) so during this, honestly it will probably be random content scattered throughout the whole thing!

I don't know about you, but it feels like Christmas has come soooo fast... and some of us may have a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit, even though it's already December! so today, I am going to share with y'all how to get into the Christmas spirit!!


the majority of people, it seems, that they decorate either the day after Thanksgiving or the first day of December... while others, they decorate before Thanksgiving (I sure did!) or they wait until a little bit later in the month of December. Or! they don't decorate at all... (who wouldn't decorate for Christmas?! that's a requirement in my book! 😉)

so, that leads to my point... one of the most major steps in getting into the Christmas spirit, is to decorate your house/room for the holiday!! when getting into the spirit of any holiday, you always have to make sure the things around you are decorated properly for it!

 decorate for christmas

I decorated this year on November the 14th, which I know there is a lot of controversy as whether you should decorate before or after Thanksgiving, and the majority of people say after... but do whatever makes you happy!! I was recovering over a sickness at the time, and I needed to do something that made me happy... so despite it being early, I decorated anyway! here's my Christmas tree!

it's about 4 1/2 ft, and it's soooo cute in my room when it's night time!

listen to christmas music

I don't know about y'all, but listening to Christmas music is always a thing that I have to do in order to get excited for Christmas! listening to Christmas music in the summer just doesn't feel right to me, so every november/december it is time to start blaring the amazing Christmas music!

here's a major tip...

don't decorate your tree without listening to christmas music.

I made a major mistake this year and decorated my whole room for Christmas, without even listening to Christmas music!! therefore, I wasn't nearly as excited about decorating as I should have been!

obviously read the christmas story!!!

  this is what Christmas is all about, y'all! reading the Christmas story is always a great reminder of what a blessing it was for God to come down and be born as a child, and the whole plan the entire time was at the age of 33 for Him to die on a cross for you and I! so, that is a major deal... make sure to read the story!

start making/buying christmas gifts for friends & family

so, I know that probably quite a bit of the viewers reading this blog can't buy many gifts... however, for all of you people out there, you can always make something for them or just make sure that they know that you love them! and for the rest of us who can buy gifts, it doesn't matter how much the gift costs, just make it special and it will probably make you so excited to give them the gift!

alright y'all! that about wraps up for the post of blogmas! I hope y'all enjoyed it, and I think getting into the Christmas spirit is the best way to start it! thank y'all so much for reading all of our posts, I know that it encourages me a lot to see that there are still some of you who enjoy reading them! happy first- (actually second) day of december!

luke 2:1

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed.


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