
Friday, December 3, 2021

Housemom322 Is Back + Favorite Christmas Songs (Blogmas Day 3)

eheheh HEY GUYS! Remember me? Yeah, it's been a while... I know...I'm sorry.

If you don't remember me,  let me introduce myself, I'm Housemom322. I wrote for this blog weekly a while back ago since then, I've got a pretty much full time job, graduated high school, and trying to figure out what is next in my life. So, yeah, a lot has changed, but I my passion for writing has not and I this upcoming year I want to write more, maybe not exactly weekly, since my job consumes a lot of my time. However, I do want to get back into writing. Although, I'm not sure how much about Animal Jam will I write about. Anyway, enough rambling. Let's get into today's post -------->

So, as many of may know, my sister, Housemom418 started Blogmas! Originally, it was going to be her doing all 24 posts, but when she told me the about the idea. I was actually really impressed with the ideas she had and asked her if I could also participate. We decided we would switch off days, making it easier on both of us. 

So today's topic is Favorite Christmas Songs. So I guess this means we should get into it. Now, these are in no particular order due to the fact, I'm not really much of a Christmas music person. Don't get me wrong I enjoy it, but I can only take so much of it, and when I've had enough...I've had enough. I don't mean to be that way, but it's true.

1) Mary Did You Know

Now, I think I mainly like this song because it really puts into the perspective of what really made Mary "different" I mean just think of it - Mary gave birth to the Creator of the universe - God manifest in the flesh. Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born from this young woman. It's crazy to me think about. 

2) Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer

This is a classic show that I've watched year after year and every time I hear the song all I can see is Rudolph in my mind. It's simply a classic. 

3) Silver Bells 

I'm not really sure why I like this one. I think maybe it reminds me of the people who would stand outside stores raising money for the Salvation Army. My 5th grade teacher actually helped out doing that and I saw her, so maybe that's why I like it, not sure. 

4) Frosty The Snowman

Again, another classic Christmas/winter film. I mean, who can't help but fall in love with a snowman who sings?

5) All I Want For Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey

I honestly don't what to say about this one. You hear it everywhere you go, it's a common one, but for a good reason. She has a great voice and good message too. The season should be spent focusing on the blessings of family and friends not the materialism that it's become. Although, it's fun to give and receive gifts. It shouldn't be the main focus of this time of year. 

As I write this it is 11:48 P.M. and I want to publish this before 12, so I think I'm going to do just a top 5. My post should hopefully be longer on Sunday, so hope you guys enjoyed today's post. Let me know in the comments your top 5 Christmas Songs. :P I'll see you all soon and it's good to be writing again. I really did miss it; just didn't realize it until I sat down to do it. 

Verse of the day: 

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. - Proverbs 3:5 (KJV) 

Quote of the day:

When we work, we work. 

When we pray, God works. - Hudson Taylor


Now, I know this is where I usually put a signature, but unfortuantly I don't know where the file to my old signature is and I don't really have enough time to search through my computer files to find one, nor do I time to create a new one, so I guess this post won't have one, but I will make a new one. The previous one was getting old anyway. XD

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