
Monday, December 13, 2021

Looking Back at Christmas/December Posts Through the Years (Blogmas Day 13)

Good evening everyone! It's so good to see you today. Sorry about not having a post on Saturday, I ended up working an eleven hour shift on Saturday, and was too tired to do anything but go to sleep when I got home. So, that's exactly what I did! 

So today we are going to be looking at blog posts from Christmas past. So I thought it would be fun to highlight one post from each year the blog has been around for, starting back in 2015.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

As far as I can tell, this post written Gracie, was announcing the  AJFC  Christmas Party! I know back in 2016 I went to my first one and it was amazing. We had so much fun at these parties. I actually miss the whole old crew thinking about this. But it is fun to see it being announced, even though it ended up getting postponed in the end, and actually I'm not even really sure she ended up having it. I looked back through January and February of 2016 for a post announcing it and didn't see anything. 

Friday, December 2, 2016 

Another post by Gracie, but this one is ultra special. Everyone who knew us in 2016-2017, knew of Sarahkey8, typically going by Sarah. This was a special post because not only was it an update post, but it was the announcement of a new author, which obviously was Sarah! She was great at posting, I really loved her posts. Unfortunately, as we got older we went our own ways and she hasn't posted for a long time. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

This one won for simply having a great intro. Ja, seriously rocked her intros. They grabbed your attention, made you smile and laugh. Again, it's really sad to look back on some of these posts written by people who are no longer in the community, but then again I can't say much because I went missing for a whole year. However, I never said "goodbye." 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 

I realize this is my own post and not technically a "Christmas" post, but as I was looking through the December posts of 2018. I saw this one and remembered how long I spent on this post to get it just right. I just had to make this one a highlight, cause I was in love with this song then and still am to this day, cause that says something. LOL  

Friday, December 27, 2019 

This post which was written by my sister, Housemom418, was ultra special because she announced the adoption of our little puppy. After the death of our dog, who we owned for 9 years it was rough going through the holidays without a dog to share holiday meals and presents to. So, getting Missy was a huge blessing and surprise for us on that Christmas Eve night that she became ours. 

Friday, December 4, 2020 

Unfortunately, my sister was the only posting in 2020, so there were only two posts to choose from. I chose this one cause it announced an story contest. This is exactly how my sister and I landed an author position on this blog. We had entered and won the story contest of 2018. Yep, that's right it's been 3 years, of which I must say they have been pretty great. 

Well, that's a look back through 6 years. It's crazy to think that 6 years has gone by so quickly, but that's why this blog was created. It was created to be a time capsule in a way for future Animal Jam players to look back on the earlier years of the game, played by those original players.  

Verse of the day:

Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. - John 20:21 (KJV) 


Quote of the day: 

God is enough. If I have Him, I have all I need. - Unknown Author 

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