
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th of July! Wild Weekend, And More!

Heyyyyy, jammers! Happy 4th of July!! Do you have any special plans for today?

Before I get started with today's blog post, I want to tell Housemom418, and Housemom322 how sorry I am for the loss of their dog, Zoey. Their dog died last night at 10:05 PM, and I am so so sorry for them. I don't know what I would do if I lost my dog, so my heart really goes out to the Housemom sisters.

Let's get into today's post!


I'm sure everyone knows this already... But today is 4th of July, or as Animal Jam calls it, Freedom Day! 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. I love summer, so that's probably a part of it. XD Watching the fireworks in our neighborhood, lighting sparklers outside, and having a BBQ is always so much fun! So I wish you all a very happy 4th of July!

On a slightly different note, today is the start of the second "wild weekend" of 2019. Last weeks wild weekend released some clothing items that had been unreleased for a while, and this weeks wild weekend features den items that had been unreleased. Ironically, two of the items are ones I highlighted in my unreleased item post last month. So without further ado, heeeere are the items!

Alright, so starting from left to right, we've got the Blue Wolf Mecha, Phantom Tiki Statue, Crab Throne, Automobile Sofa, For Sale Sign, and For Trade Sign. Most of these items are pretty cute, however... The Blue Wolf Mecha is creeping me out. From the Diamond Shop image of it, it just looks like a cute little toy, similar to the robot toys. But when you put it in your den...

It's bigger than your avatar. It's pretty scary... and if you click on it's shoulder,

This happens. Uhhhhhhhhhh.
No thanks AJ. :D
I mean, it looks futuristic, but... It's just a little creepy. I think it's more creepy than the phantom goop with the eyeballs in it.
If u know, u know.

According to Animal Jam Wiki, there's an Arctic Wolf Mecha, very similar to the Blue Wolf Mecha, but the Arctic Wolf one is still unreleased. It's a lot less creepy than the wolf one, I can tell you that! XD

I'm really happy that the For Sale, and For Trade signs are now available! It's really funny how I just posted about these signs last month, and now they're actually in the game!

What's your favorite item from this wild weekend? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear your opinion!


Here's todays Bible verse, in very fitting patriotic colors!

John 8:36

So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

P.S. Today is the last day to enter the story contest! Click here to read the rules. The winner will be announced on July 7th! So far we have 3 entries.


  1. Oh my gosh... thank you for including her in the post. It's okay, we'll never get over it because it's like a piece of our heart is missing, but I think we are slowly getting over it just little by little. Today has been rough, but It's okay. Anyway, I love how you said, "plz don't hurt me" XDDDD. I have to agree, that is sooooo scary! Wonderful post, Grace! (3

  2. Aww, im so sorry for your guys loss. I lost a pet in the end of 2017 that was like my baby, so I know how it feels. Just remember that even if Zoey isn't there physically she still is mentally and in your heart :)

    Also why unreleased items? Yeah that wolf thing whatever it is, is kinda creepy... Kinda gives me chills XD

    1. It's okay. Thank you for that. :)
      If you were wondering how she died, the vet thinks that she had a seizure and then a cardiac arrest.
      What a sad way to go. D:

  3. I only understand if the Mecha was for fighting phantoms, other than that it's scary. I'm happy the For Trade sign is nonmember.
    I'm sorry for your loss, Housey and Houze. I know how it is to lose a pet. <3

  4. Thank you all for your sweet comments!


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