Friday, December 6, 2019

What Color Do You See?

You guys: I think she has lost her brain...
You guys: You are nuts...
Me: Well I'm surely not in a bag of nuts.
Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog post. :-) How has y'all's week been? I sure hope it has been good! Mine has been wonderful, because I got off of school for winter break! So I have a little bit over a month off, which I'm super excited about! When do y'all get off of school? I'd love to know! :-) The other day I came across a bunch of tests to see what color you see. (no I'm not misspelling color, It's not colour, It's color. It depends on where you are from but... yeah, I say color) I realized that my aunt saw a bunch of different colors that I didn't see, and my uncle saw options that weren't even an option! So, now I want to know what y'all see! My sister is going to be helping me play this game, so you will get to see her answer and my answer! I would love for y'all to play along, and then tell me in the comments, or in a JAG in Animal Jam! This post however is not going to be about Animal Jam, nor is it going to be a Christian blog post. I hope that's okay with y'all! Let's get started, shall we?
Color 1:
Housemom322's answer:

Housemom418's answer:
To me, this is clearly blue. Like, there is no way it could be green! If you get green... make sure to tell me because I would be shocked1 It's for me like a teal color, but more blue than green for sure. I don't see any green in the color, It just looks teal. 🤣🤣
Housemom322's answer:
Housemom418's answer:
I could possibly see how somebody could get brown out of this, but to me it looks red. It's one of those iffy colors for me. What do y'all see?
Housemom322's answer:

Housemom418's answer:
Clearly purple. No way it could be blue. What do y'all think? This is like the most opaque purple color ever. 

Housemom322's answer:

Housemom418's answer:
This is sort of like a periwinkle color to me. I think It's blue, but I can for sure see how somebody could get purple out of it. 
 *all credit goes to the owners, my aunt sent this to me, my guess is she found it on Google*
Alright, do you see pink and grey, or grey and blue/green?

Housemom322's answer:
Pink and grey

Housemom418's answer:
Grey and blue/green
Apparently, if you see pink and grey you are right brain dominant, if you see green and grey you are left brain dominant.
 So, I guess I am left brain dominant!
*all credit goes to the owners, I found this on Google*
Housemom322's answer:
Black and blue

Housemom418's answer:
Gold & White
This is an old one, that most everybody probably has seen before. Gold and white, or black and blue? This for sure is Gold and White, there's no way that it could be black and blue. However, it seems like my whole family see black and blue! How?!
Well guys, that's it for today's blog post! I found this post very fun, and very interesting to do! Once again, I would love to see all of the answers that YOU got! Thanks for reading! 

Here's today's bible verse!
Romans 1:8 (KJV)
 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.

And here's today's meme!
*all credit goes to the owners, I found this on Google*


  1. Color one: Blue.

    Color two: ORANGE?!

    Color three: purple

    Color four: I would say that's periwinkle but if I had to pick a color I would say light purple.

    Shoe: Grey and blue

    dress: gold and periwinkle XDDD

    1. So we agree... on some of them. LOL
      Gold and periwinkle? WHAT?! XDDDD
      Thanks for commenting! (3

  2. Are you going to do a story contest this year Gracie?

    1. Good question because honestly I haven't even thought about the annual story contest. As of right now... Yes we will. It'll probably start in like January!


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